Lincolns Revenge

if only it were playing in more theaters than just whatever hotel room Edgar Wright happens to be staying in at the moment.

someone SHOULD do that, Buzz. at least a parody on Funny or Die or something.

Schneider is at least still working, even if it is just tiny parts in Sandler movies. Kattan and Victoria Jackson don't even have that.


that as well as being able to drink during the day.

my thoughts exactly. Irish actors seem to have fairly solid perspectives on their careers and the movie business in general.

hopefully you'll figure out that the picture is a screen shot from an episode of 30 Rock.

tell me about Jenny.

I have a feeling she'll seem like a little girl out of her depth in comparison to the rest of the cast just like Katie Holmes was.


ugh, Naples. (shudders)

just play it off legit.

isn't there a Bee Gees songs called that?

eh, I've broken worse.

Alabama and southern Georgia are about as hellish as I've experienced.

shit jokes nearly ruined Bridemaids for me.

we still have yet to determine what is up Satan's ass.

let's see: 39 Steps, The Birds, The Lady Vanishes, Man Who KNew Too Much, North By Northwest, Notorious, Rebecca, Rear Window, Spellbound, Strangers on a Train, Vertigo and I think 1 or 2 others.

all subsequent January Jones appearances require her to be topless.

but there's a bluray with both Arthur and Arthur 2 on the same disc for like $15.