Lincolns Revenge

we got a surfboard here!

"Como? oh, I'll put you in a coma…"

"look, I found this severed hand."

everyone's laughing and riding and cornholing except Buster.

Mr. F!


King Ralph.


I dunno, sounds pretty good to me.

my HD player for my Xbox still works fine, but I've replaced most of the movies with blurays. the one I have left are the Bourne movies, King Kong, Zodiac the first Fast & Furious and Pride and Prejudice.

sure, just throw money at it to make it funnier. that worked that one time with Tropic Thunder.

is Chicago or is not Chicago?


I, for one, already have a beard and have been using an electric shaver for my neck for year, so I'm ahead of the game.

also sparking a Van Halen comeback song called "Hot For Professor."

oh man, one of Bateman's best deadpans of, "GOB's not on board."


yeah, Tristram Shandy is kinda tough to explain why it's funny to some people, but if you get it, it really works.

I watched Morgan Spurlock's movie on advertising, sneaking in without paying for it.

this will just put everyone to sleep, which Terrance Malick movies can certainly on their own without weed.