Lincolns Revenge

I live 5 minutes from Charlotte Motor Speedway (which isn't actually in Charlotte) and dread race week twice a year. motor homes everywhere with yokels packing all the restaurants and traffic goes fucking ape shit.

the last one I went to Dean Stockwell got so drunk he thought he was his character from Blue Velvet. it was a wild time.

last week's episode had the first joke the show's made that got me to laugh out loud, the gay guy's reaction to burning his mouth with coffee.

I love it.

Married to the Mob.

crunch all you want, we'll make more.

you arrogant ass, you've killed US!

I've never been at a theater where people booed, they just walk out, but plenty of times I've hear people clap at the end of a movie. I don't understand it either, no one can hear it who made the movie.

to be fair, she does have great boobs. talk of them is at least somewhat justified.

it's the only way to be sure, though I'd think that whiskey & cheap cigars would accomplish the same thing.

Fiat? they wish. it's a PT Cruiser.

Lemon, that's your worst quadrant!

I thought the best visual thing was a wide shot of Will & Peter having their clandestine meeting with the frosted glass, Peter closing the door when someone tried to come in, etc.

next you're going to tell me a former kindergarden teacher can become the president.


no, the pope shits in the woods and bears wear funny hats.

"The O.C. Ringer"
don't call it that.

you fool, it's NEVER lupus!

then comes the kidney and/or liver failure.

she finally got all the letters I've been sending her - now we can finally be together!