Lincolns Revenge

goddammit, now that song is in my head.

good things come in bears.

that pretty much is what Dollhouse was about, when you think about it.


yes, Wages of Fear is awesome too. I should probably upgrade my original Criterion version to the bluray, it's worth it.

I think Desperate Housewives just finished it's 7th season. the mind reels.

"the other things," eh? tell me more of this shop ping.

Diabolique is awesome
one of the few movies I've ever seen where I didn't anticipate what happened. the end nearly gave me a heart attack.

and Disney hasn't made enough money yet.

Jimmy has fancy plans
Sir, are you just using this as a ploy to meet women?

the shit jokes nearly ruined Bridesmaids for me, but I mostly liked it.


paraphrasing: "anyone who wants to beat you up because of your shirt is NOT your friend.'

and realized he'd look even more ridiculous being 50 pounds overweight.

Fringe is the best show they have, but I doubt the network realizes that.

I go the other way and wonder what sort of blackmail Slater has on studio executives to keep getting jobs. why do they insist on making him a TV star? not every washed up film actor turns into Kiefer Sutherland.

I agree completely. Bones is mild fun, but the bait-and-switch of that terrible looking show was very stupid.

I think Melrose Place was on there too. now it's McFarlane & American Idol.

something something Rambaldi.

I wonder if Jon Hamm gets tired of the "Jon Hamm as eye candy" jokes.