Lincolns Revenge

there's people how are big fans of Rose Byrne? she's pretty, but not that great an actress and seems indistinguishable from three or four other actresses her age.

how'd it get Rose Byrned?
Is it just me or does it seem like Rose Byrne is in everything these days? she's pretty, but in a bland, uninteresting way like Jennifer Aniston. I can't really remember the difference between her and the girl from Clash of the Titans. They're like the female Sam Worthington-Channing

board games

Jai White is certainly the more badass option, but I don't know that he has the acting chops.

the text above says he founded Switzerland, not Austria.


immediately upon saying this, Royal knew it to be true.

this headline is false
James Toback has never legitimized anything, including his own movies.

I used to like Benigni, but he's really only used well in Jarmush's films - including his own.

the joke's on them because it's restricted. (raucous laughter)

maybe Wesley Snipes can get a work furlow or something, he'd be really good for it. hell, Snipes may be out of prison by the time Tarantino gets around to actually shooting this thing.

just don't activate the Wayans brothers' signal and we'll be okay.

this could totally work, but there's little in Smith's history to indicate that he'd be willing to sublimate his usual way of making movies to do so.

lakoo peep?

she's as Cuban as Whoopi Goldberg is Jewish.

maybe not so much in the picture above, but still…

I was thinking that too - yoga and vegetarianism seem to agree with him, he still looks great.

I hear Iha is a huge Star Trek fan.

yeah, Adore is pretty good and some of the one after, Machina or whatever it's called wasn't bad either, but waaaay pretentious.

lackadaisical horse wrangling
if I were to get arrested for something, I'd want that to be the charge.