Lincolns Revenge

the second one's garbage, but the rest of them have all been pretty fun.

what's this about Isis being on "Jeopardy!"?

well, the first round is not really worth watching, but the rest of the playoffs shoudl be good.

my favorite is still "I have the weirdest boner."

a wonderful thing happened, why not?

@Reinhold - you may not see this now, but I'm…@LincolnsRevenge

yeah, the basement.

stop stealing my eyelashes!

make mine white zinfandel and you're on!

and my dad's birthday. no, my dad is not Hitler. not anymore.

Reinhold, are you really @notmikedunleavy? it's a very solid twitter account, if a bit dated by using Dunleavy now.

incorrect, Lollilove is actually unwatchable.

no worse than Sean's word choice of "tidal wave."

"parsing your boner"

lots of shitty sequels
Short Circuit 2
Street Kings 2: Motor City
Bambi 2: Born to Raise Hell

neck tattoos are ALWAYS a good idea.


despite never having been here, which needlessly angers me to no end.

nothing is funnier than Scottish people cursing. I demand everyone go watch In The Loop.

that was my thinking too: let it go, Sean. it's been months since the Sevigny thing happened and yet you still bring it up at the slightest provocation.