Lincolns Revenge

we all thought he was great as that lovable doofus in Election only to realize later that he actually is that much of a doofus, he wasn't acting.

and yet Mena Suvari sits at home staring at a phone that won't ring.

they said he was too stupid, but he proved them

he says what we're all thinking!

@Flaubert - that's "gentleman's gentleman"

Small Time Crooks, which I liked. for me it's the other around that time, Curse of the Jade Scorpion or Hollywood Ending, one of those.

it's the one in which I can stand Mia Farrow, though Alice isn't terrible.

the kid stopping on the paper was one of several uses of "characters staring at newspapers and holding them so the camera can see" as a form of exposition. very lazy writing.

I didn't mean that he was looking for a newspaper, but that he was looking for food or whatever and stopped when he saw the paper.

The Babe
true story: I was 15 when Basic Instinct was in theaters and me and two friends tried to get in to see it, but they wouldn't sell us tickets. we bought tickets for something else and tried to sneak in, but they were on to us and made us go watch the movie our tickets were for, which was The Babe. it was

yeah, but she's so sassy. sass can overcome nearly anything, including cancer and homosexuality.

the terrible exposition concerns me
I think there was maybe 4 times of people looking at newspapers as a way of conveying information. do anyone really think that homeless high school dropout junkie would be digging through a dumpster and pauses to read the front page of the paper?

accept payment in the form of coins?

The Ben Stiller Show was amazing too.

wait, I forgot about Romeo & Juliet. I liked that one, but I like every version of R&J.

Luhrman directing it isn't necessarily that bad an idea, although I don't like any of his films and the only one I didn't hate was Australia. the 3D is what's most unnecessary to me.

are we forgetting The Phantom and The Shadow? yes, through long and concentrated effort.

well, if it isn't Ol' Pebble-Teeth!

that's shockingly ethical of you for a Goodwill employee, Killbot.
