Lincolns Revenge

yup, comparisons to Run Lola Run are only making me MORE interested.

god, I can't remember it, but he said something how it takes a lot for a woman to get him off in front of his mother.

my favorite line is from the pilot where Gene comes out of the bathroom and says, "you haveā€¦NO IDEA what I've just been through!"

he might have been the best guest in Dr. Katz, that guy was always gold on there.

I end up getting drawn into those House marathons they have all the time, which leads to seeing way more advertising for Bravo programming than is healthy.

Timothy Hutton played his surrogate in The Dark Half.

he so desperately wants to be Speilberg, but his style is that he has no particular style. his movies look like they could be directed by anyone, including me.

too bad a month in he tears his rotator cuff and is out for 18 months.

I don't think he even said specifically that they signed their land over to him, just vaguely that he "took care of things" or something to that effect.

"Keys made here"

Ava was wearing the hell out of that dress, but she didn't seem to be much of a dancer.

deja vu
so how is this any different from TNT's Leverage?

maybe Amanda Peet will take her top off.

several yards of Keefe.

well, it worked for Pat Buchanan.

didn't Blossom do that too, get a Phd in chemistry or something?

I am a camera. A camera am I.

of all the leaps of logic that movie makes, that's what you wonder about?

Source Code is pretty good and although I like parts of Mildred Pierce, it's too slow and dragged out.

I'm going to allow this.