Lincolns Revenge

I can't tell you how many times I've had to tell a poor, inner-city single mother to shut up about how great Garden State or Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium is.

keep pulling the sweater, Flaubert.

I didn't mean he wasn't good. I love a lot of his films, but historically speaking he hasn't really made very many and most in the critical community revere him as a god.

you mean Paul F. Tompkins.

Scott Pilgrim must be classified as an action movie or some shit.

so that healthy, green glow must be from all those years working in the power plant.

you're thinking of The Who or Rush, fans of those bands always insist on that.

ghetto blaster? you must live in 1987.

when I was in Vegas a few years ago, I laughed out loud when I saw that the Riviera was proudly advertising ADC shows on weekends.

but can she stay non-pregnant long enough to perform in any episodes?

is there anyone who's done less to earn his reputation than Beatty?
he's no doubt researching James Cameron's 3D technology for when he makes another film when he's 104.

it was, uh…Abby something.

I get this joke.

but please keep the obnoxious, nails-on-a-chalkborad quality to his voice.

not uninteresting, but unsubtle and obnoxious too.

I loved/hated Toofer claiming to not understand Liz initially when she referred to having a major.

he was also Ed Truck on The Office, Michael's old no-nonsense boss.

I'm assuming that Bradley Whitford was preachy and Matthew Perry was bloated.

I like to think that they renewed it just because I happened to buy the first 2 season on bluray just last week. I HAVE THAT POWER.

now with colored sunglasses to hide your plastic surgery scars.