Lincolns Revenge

now with more emotional scarring!

I've long believed that his descriptions of his films and the trailers for them are so vague that they're interchangable with one another.

it hard to remember the order I did, other than starting with Slaughterhouse Five, but Mother Night, Breakfast of Champions and Cat's Cradle were the early ones.

sounds like fun, but $75 is a bit steep.

what this book presupposes is…maybe he didn't?

Dr. Memory, if that were the case we'd be without the Scott Pilgrim movie.

drunk Lesley Ann Warren
is redundant.

Nick & Nora
so we're just supposed to pretend the Michael Cera-Kat Dennings movie from a few years ago wasn't made? that's not a world in which I want to live.

not even John Hodgman made that show palatable.

a shame that people now mostly remember her as a basket case in and out of rehab, married dozens of times and BFFs with Michael Jackson. Though she was a mess for the last 15 years, she was a very talented actress and unbelievably gorgeous as a young woman. Like, Helen of Troy beautiful.

Butterfield 8 is very good even though it's the 60s sort of sanitized version of playing a prostitute. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is good, but it's one of those "filmed plays" you like so much. I don't know who's more attractive in it, Taylor or Paul Newman.

Spanglish cost $80, according to Box Office Mojo. I've never understood how modest romantic comedies like that cost any more than $25-40, depending on who the above-the-line stars are. If District 9 can be made for $30, James L. Brooks doesn't need any more than that to make a film about people just talking to one

don't call it that.

Cop Rock.

I had though that Pineapple Express was going to be the best comedy of its year and was just pretty good, so I've learned to temper my early enthusiasm.

that's your own damn fault for watching Clerks in the first place.

exploitation of the masses, what is problem?

…with Club Sauce.

he does eat a pen at one point though.
