Lincolns Revenge

"that sounded like you said No"

the effect for Wolfman were good, I just got bored by the story and that wolfman fight at the end was just absurd.


indeed. I now have the weirdest boner, figuratively.

Gilbert Godfried's real voice is very unsettling, almost terrifying.

you're thinking of The Suburbs, their album was called Arcade Fire.

Puerto Rican day parade is good, but it doesn't have the alcoholism and thinly-veiled racism and homophobia of the St. Patrick's Day parade.

can someone point out which of those vanity cards kicked this whole thing off? there's hundreds of them and I'll be dammed if I'm going to read them all.

he would have liked to have seen Montana.

without hair he looks like that Russian spy that got poisoned with plutonium.

starring Channing Tatum

I'll 2nd Carl Weathers, but Steven Segal can stay home if he's going to show up as fat and out of shape as he was in Machete.

surely we can get Ricky Jay involved in this somehow.

aged to perfection.

I loved K&C, but I couldn't get into Yiddish Policeman's Union. I gave up about halfway through, but I may go back to it eventually.

she was good in Broadway Danny Rose too, but that's about it.


he's had that mustache for a couple of years now, a little long for an ironic joke. maybe he ended up liking having one unironically.

and then going on tour with Jethro Tull!

right, they should just use the Easy Button.