Lincolns Revenge

Rush seems to be one of those bands with fans that are waaaay too into them. on multiple occasions I've had Rush fans insist that "you HAVE to hear this song!" and try to get me to sit and listen to it.

oh this will be years in development, a high-concept album like something from Yes or Pink Floyd.

he's not nude or anything, it's just a guy wearing a suit. watching any news program must be terrible for you.

I don't even know what that means, Heche, but I can't stop laughing.

Lone Audience is right about Olson Johnson being right!

Carnac, I like it.

this one is at least less likely to get snowed in. less likely, but not impossible.

The Maddening Crowd.

the original title for Tyler Perry's last one was "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf." he seems to specialize in shitty titles, but his movies are hits so I guess he gives his audience what it wants.

I watched Chinatown and it was still awesome.

homosexuals live underground?

"that sounds a little sketchy."
"it IS."


nice work, bullets. way to be on that shit.

you mean the one with the talking cat puppet? I'll admit I watched it for a time when I learned that Joel Hodgson & Frank Coniff from MST3K were writers for it.

I learned "bailiwick" from America: the Book, specifically the audio version with Jefferson extolling his own virtues.

in all seriousness, that why I haven't seen United 93. I know how it ends and I don't particularly want to relive any part of it.

Keith Van Horn, though Kirilenko could be a back-up.

yeah, he got unusually fired up about it. pun intended?

you've just been incepted to think that they were.