Lincolns Revenge

indeed, that bluray makes it look like it was shot this year.

she looks more and more like Cindy Lauper every day.

name 1 thing about the Dutch that isn't terrible.

"she's the best marshall we have in this office."
"you realize I'm sitting right here."

I knew at least 1 person would.

Ice Cube AND Channing "don't call me Sam Worthington" Tatum?

CAN you? you MUST!

I'm glad I'm not the only one that found the site incredibly slow. I'm not sure why that makes me glad, but there it is.

I saw it in 96 for the 20th anniversary. Sony also released a remastered 70mm print of Laurence of Arabia around that time too that was mind-blowing.

it's not like Schrader had anything else to do.

Shh, listen!
somewhere Dan Pittman is crying.

yeah, Bond had no idea it was coming and will be out for revenge. should make for some interesting storylines up ahead.

Wendy Williams
man, Joel McHale won't know what to do with himself. he's probably twitching with anticipation already.

kinda hard to tell since she's wearing a parachute as a dress.

make Carrey his character from Number 23 and they're both dumb & pretentious.

those laffy, daffy clowns.

I gave it a chance initially, but it was mostly as disconnected as John From Cinncinnati.

and now commentary on the commentary on the commentary.

it was all downhill after people figured out he'd show up to anything no mater what it was as long as you paid him something.

if he's not going to win for Social Network, I don't know what movie he COULD win for.