Lincolns Revenge

please explain how the fish with a German accent and an alien with a shitty Paul Lynde impression is funny.

Kristen Wiig would do well with this material. she seems to be a lot funnier in movies than on SNL, except for that weird hot air balloon lady.

do not order the Skip Scramble.

for what it's worth, HipsterDBag, those are some fascinating stories.

it's like he picked cities everyone's heard of, but no one wants to go to or admit that they live there.

has anyone seen Kanye today?

Lemmon is awesome in Missing, he's one of my all-time favorites.

Hachetjob is implying that Sheen is a pedophile.

failing Epps, Mike Tomlin won't be buisy for a while.

I loved this show and Voltron as a kid. I saw some of Voltron again recently for the first time since I was probably 8 or 9. it didn't hold up well.

you might run like Hayes, but you hit like shit.

"Shaun"? you're got fail on you.

my parents were really into Cold Case when it was on and Law & Order of course, but I was mildly pleased my mom was watching House the last time I stopped by.

man, I don't even know what to say to that.

not great.

hey, he left his briefcase!

no, you're thinking of the United Way. it may have changed, but maybe 10 years ago something like 65% of their intake was used to just pay people working for the United Way.

still using the "Troy & Abed in the Morning" coffee mugs though.

story-wise the group doesn't need Pierce and I don't think the show needs Chevy Chase at all. He's rarely been funny and even then only mildly so, like "he's old and doesn't understand current events or cultural references." him being an asshole for the entire second season only reinforces that.

they might as well try to bring back ER at this point.