Lincolns Revenge

black to the future!

rhythm is a dancer.

I can't leave for another 6 hours, goddammit


I was thinking that too, "man, Reading Rainbow really was a good show."

bitter beer face?

ask your mommy.

it's a shame that a show this crappy will be lumped in with having the same fate as Better Off Ted, somehow making them equals when they aren't.

the trouble was that he was really good as Francois, but spent so little time playing him.

trying lit matches and fireworks into your beard.

what movie was it, Robuttnik?

will he admit that he's losing his hair?

being Canadian doesn't make him too good to shave his head and attack a car with an umbrella.

NO, not Clint Howard! you take that back! he's the ugliest man alive.

be honest, he was in costume and you just thought he was an actual homeless person.

if I remember my ZMF lore correctly, isn't he a transplant to Detroit? I seem to recall him living in Ohio near Cincinnati.

it's Ferris Bueller or nothing.

fingering your mom!

and the inflated prices!

JVS, you've done it again!