Lincolns Revenge

what I liked was how Blake KNEW she was trying to use sex to manipulate him and it worked anyway.

Christensen was pretty good in Shattered Glass and Life As a House, but it says a lot about him when he's only considered good in parts where he's a whiny bitch.

I love CDR, but Doug Loves Movies would get my vote.

more Archer too.

I'm not sure reprising his Russian cab driver character from Happiness as Moriarty was a wise decision.

goddam, I could watch the portions of De Niro as young Vito all day. RIP, Bruno Kirby.

both versions of 101 Dalmatians.

Lucas is a good comparison and I was just thinking about Tarantino being without Menke this last weekend as I watched Inglorious Basterds again. he always gave her a ton of credit for her influence on him as a director.

and Jerry Stiller as the wacky judge that falls asleep because he's old!

also one Battle of Algiers and Wages of Fear.

Sideshow Bob WISHES he had an ass like that.

that's a pretty good way to spend your time out of the limelight, living on a farm in Hawaii. I'm kinda jealous.

they also have ALF!

Diabolique is a movie I discovered through Criterion; that shit still blows my mind.

you're thinking of Red Snapper.

Bruce Hornsby, but no The Range? no sale.

God, I admire you
what kind of a name is Poon anyway?

man, this is going to be Kanye's most elaborate music video EVER!

Sarah Chalke will always be Elliot
I miss the dorky, cute tomboyish-girl she was in the early Scrubs episodes, eventually replaced by the walking coat hanger we have now.

you go, girl!