Lincolns Revenge

somewhere Ellen Paige is sitting in stunned silence and crying.


former Vice President Spiro Agnew.

oh, so this is that band with Michael Pitt as the lead singer.

god, that "new Jordans" thing is the flimsiest evidence that Tupac might still be alive, but some people hold onto it like it's the Magic Bullt Theory.

they touched on it a bit in The Prestige, but a real movie about the competition between Tesla and Edison would be fascinating.

hell no. I love Gilliam, but he seems to make a point of picking movies that lose money. he doesn't need to be Speilberg, but he should at least consider that if he goes long enough without producing even a modest hit, nobody's going to give money to make anything.

I think if I were super rich I'd do the same thing
funding and/or producing films with cool, interesting directors who have trouble getting movies made they way they want like PT Anderson or John Sayles.

Scotland PA was exactly what I thought of too.

Elaine, to my archives!

I always took it to mean she feels more fulfilled after eating the risotto, compared to their sex which was insufficient.


he probably misses his old glasses
"you're eating onions, spotting dimes…I don't know what to think anymore!"

it's almost a shame that King's Speech will be the new Shakespeare In Love, a nice enjoyable movie that nobody remembers 5 years after it got made.

ah whtthechrist.

Arrested Development also had Jason Bateman's real sister cast as a woman he thought might be his sister, but was actually a prostitute. I've never fully wrapped my mind around that.

I like Joy Ride and Rounders was pretty good too, sort of a noir movie.

JT Walsh was great in everything he was in, my favorite character actor of all time.

I should watch this again soon too, but the only DVD that's out is pretty shitty, not even in widescreen.

and yet I think there's at least 4 of them.