Lincolns Revenge

Doc Hollywood: The Series!

what kind of name is "Poon" anyway?

I had thought she's be one of the new Charlie's Angels, but perhaps her acting is too wooden for even THAT show.

I'd agree that he's just okay, he doesn't really add much. after so much time of pissing everyone off, he's probably just grateful to have a paying job.

I still think Jason Lee could pull it off, but Reynolds has the chops for it.

no children?

is Balls any relation to Assy McGee? I'm pretty sure that grammar is correct.

Maria Bamford has the Target thing locked down these days.

they can keep the popcorn shrimp, just let me have my big steak omelet and harvest grain & nut pancakes. I love those things.

she was in Burn After Reading, but aside from that and Man Who Wasn't There, she hasn't been in any of theirs regularly since the 90s.

so if that's not the astronaut, is it possible the Adam Horowitz mentioned isn't the Beastie Boy?

I didn't hate Spanglish like most people did, but he's really only directed 3 good movies. his best work by far is as a producer, he seems to be out of touch with movie audiences as a writer/director.

it smells like urine & cedar chips in here!

he probably smokes a pipe and wears a cardigan.

I thought Mr. Brainwash was just a Paul F. Tompkins character.

sic Kristen Bell on me sexfully! I'm sorry, TV and the internet has ruined my imagination.

this show has the record for episodes shot as season or series finales that they retroactively have to turn into a clumsy act break.

the only thing that made Jeffster tolerable was the 8-ball jackets.

only suckers pay retail for cocaine.

you bet your ass.