Lincolns Revenge

Very funny.

William Faulkner!

mix Catalina salad dressing with soy sauce and you have a great marinade for beef. seriously.

yeah, digifreak sounds like a soon-to-be-diabetic 7 year old.

I love that stuff the best on CDR, where they're barely pretending that it isn't just somebody doing funny voices. Paul F. Tompkins (no H!) does that very well too. "Scottrick!"

I had enough of his cut-rate attempts to be Spielberg years ago, maybe it was Far & Away. he's not a bad filmmaker, but his movies always look like anybody could have made them. he has no particular style as a director.

ooh, is that Cat Party?

"it's 90 minutes of me standing in front of a brick wall and cost 80 million dollars."

Smith really is good
the guy's charming, funny and smart, but not in a smarmy way. I understand wanting an opportunity to have a lead part on a show, but perhaps doing Shit My Shatner Says wasn't the best career decision.

not bad, I chuckled.

the funk of 40,000 years!

jesus, I can't even imagine what it's be like for the parents or the kid himself to grow more than 2 feet in a couple of years.

so…I'm sensing that Red was shameful.

and she's like 5 feet tall, she fits right in your pocket.

well, it finally happened. Amelie bit the hand that feeds her.

won't be the last, no matter how much they promise?

I don't look anything like him and I'm considerably younger, but I'd like to be played by Stephen Fry.

why did they have to go all the way to NZ to make Yogi Bear?

most surprising
girls get called assholes?

careful - fashion is danger.