Lincolns Revenge

I was there in November - lots of game shows and Maury Povich-type talk shows.

additional Tracy Jordan refernce that's been beaten into the ground!

(sigh) someday I'll get internet-famous enough to be included on a list like that.

that's a very good point, Julianne Moore is more of a lead character than Bening in the movie. hopefully it won't matter and Portman will get her due.

well, Inception and Social Network are in different categories for screenplay, so I doubt it'll be an issue of one or the other.

I've missed 127 hours and The Fighter, but only because I haven't gotten around to it.

like so many other great movies in years past, Inception will probably end up with wins for screenplay and cinematography. how editing isn't among it's nominations is also a mystery.

hyperbole aside, it really is ridiculous that he wasn't nominated. his was the only one I was really hoping for and thought was most-deserved.

no real surprises
aside from not nominating Nolan for Best Director. a travesty, a sham, a mockery and worse than at least 10 Hitlers.

isn't Jules Asner Stephen Soderbergh's beard?

one would assume his teeth are gold, but I'm not getting close enough to confirm.

hey, it takes a long time to decide which part of the career arc of The Beatles you want to rip off this time.

Summer Glau should be available soon once The Cape goes down in flames. she's not bad, if a bit wooden. nerds like her, right?

I thought Tina Fey was pretty funny, but it mostly serves as evidence of how far Lohan has fallen.

didn't Smith promise all of us he'd stop making films when he turned 40? he hit 40 in August and yet here he is.

why limit me to only between 1 and 24 shoes for Air Jordans? where can I turn if I want 27?


okay, now you're just punishing us
these photos are getting ridiculous.

the true sign that IFC is worthless will be when they start up a reality show.

what about that movie where he never got out of his car?