Lincolns Revenge

living it up when I'm going down (in the ratings)!

yeah, there are way too many exclamation points in there.

I'm sorry, go back - WHO is The Wiz?

I think it's very funny. Jon Benjamin is solid as always and I think Schaal and Eugene Mirman are hilarious on it.

I don't really understand it either, I just thought it was funny.

and/or Arrested Development.

It's the truth that you should never trust anybody who wears a bow tie. Cravat's supposed to point down to accentuate the genitals. Why'd you wanna trust somebody whose tie points out to accentuate his ears?

some Austrailian asshole I believe.

and you never paid for drugs!

don't splash the plot.

I like to put my feet up, mcketrick supplicants.

a cheap, but funny shot
you deliberately looked for a photo that highlighted his neck goiter, didn't you O'Neal?

I watch too, but the comments section for the reviews is usually pretty sparse.

is this another one of those where the guy is autistic or has Aspergers?


I've been living a lie thinking Danny Boyle is Scottish! I guess I assumed he was for making Trainspotting.

Boyle is Scottish, but the movie's made with an American cast and shot in America.

I didn't mean it's less impressive, but the whole film gets nominated for it's own award - best picture or best animated feature or whatever.

Cloudy With a Chance of My Balls

it's animated, the whole thing is a visual effect.