Lincolns Revenge

the sign says "flapjack motherfuckers need not apply!"

if by "culture" you mean "homeless."

127 Hours was British?
still not the weirdest nominationthough, which goes to Toy Story 3 for visual effects.

Lord Sterilicus is exactly right, celebrities these days go overboard with losing baby weight and end up looking sickly - just look at Jennifer Connely or Reese Witherspoon.

I have it on good authority that Blur are shite.

his career is. ZING!

very hot, but a bit obnoxious verbally.

at least the 3 guys in back look like their heads are connected to their bodies. Christensen looks especially ridiculous.

Switch. Jimmy Smits.

I don't know how funny it'll be
but few things are hotter than cute girls talking dirty in a cute way.

I should go dust off my script for Hot Shots 3.

if that happens, I demand they come up with a way to work the phrase "Soup-R-Crackers" into the show at least once.

swing low, sweet chariots!

throw in Eliza Dusku and Summer Glau and you're set.

but his urine was magnetic!


Fred Thompson is plenty jowly.

Mr. Smith
for some reason, I loved that show as a kid, even had a lunchbox and vinyl wallet from the show. what's not to like a talking ape that dresses up in people clothes to a 6 year old?

"like a twig in winter" indeed.

trust me, he's got plenty of gaiety.