Lincolns Revenge

I admire Travis Henry the most because I believe the 9 kids were with 7 or 8 different women.

jesus, I hate Jim Rome. the worst part of him is that he doesn't seem to have the slightest clue that he's an enormous douchebag.

Bond, Derrick Bond
we're still waiting on the other shoe to drop with whatever he's supposed to be returning from DC with. my guess is that Will rejects who/whatever it is and reteams with Diane to vote out Derrick. I think Alicia has too good of chemistry with both Will and Diane to cut either character out of the

he was probably wearing a nametag that identified him as the casting director and also happens to be a Knight of the Realm.

I also think that's why guys like Fincher, Michael Mann or Soderbergh have embraced the digital video, the freedom to work quicker and for as long as they want. it helps that the picture quality keeps improving on film, though still kinda grainy or cloudy. then again, I didn't know Zodiac was shot on DV until after

it's from a different movie, but a friend of mine had a band called "Claude LeMont & the Poisonous Fish."

a railroad spike to be specific, if i remember correctly. I often use the line "if there's anything I can do for you or, more to the point, TO you, just let me know."

one could argue it never had 3 years worth to begin with, just stretching it out over 3 years or however long it's been on.

I bought that for myself when it came out. hooray for not having kids to support!

yeah, isn't this just the plot of that Jamie Kennedy movie Malibu's Most Wanted?

luckily, the monkey knife fight went on as scheduled.

The Good Wife is pretty good.

cool story, Adams.

I'm not sure I buy this - no mention of pussies in sarcophagi.

your cunt's in the sink.

I don't know that the film winning 1 award it hadn't expected to constitutes "really, really liked it," but I enjoyed the hell out of it and Olivia Williams was great.

nobody calls me Mad Dog.

Dewey Cox or Johnny Cash?

something Peggy gives me a rise something.

yeah, I was just in Faenza back in November. you're welcome.