Lincolns Revenge

that "Brewer Patriot" knows what he did to keep him off the show.

it's a bullshit ploy by studios to keep people going back to theater, where their profit margins are higher than other venues like TV or DVDs.

fingers crossed for the That Darn Cat! with Fred MacMurray.

where does that leave The Fox & The Hound?

"dance for me? why, I'll dance for THEM!"

burba's an industry term.

especially now.

what the hell was that shit about doing lines of coke off of a Bible?

there's going to be a second season? sweet! I love that round-headed buffoon.

Cyrus would probably be a lot funnier if it was Paul F Tompkins doing his John C Reilly impression for the whole film.

I get it - because Sara Gilbert's a lesbian!

in my experience with my sister's kids, they don't even like 3D anyway. they hate wearing the glasses and don't understand how they're supposed to look at it (they're 7 and 4).

worse than Detroit? (shudders)

she's cute as the poor man's Jennifer Garner.

You need to set your motherfucker to "receive".

I didn't know either, but he did look a bit sickly in The Town.

exactly Miller. it was around that time I was also convinced he was the best actor in the business. Mohicans, Romeo & Juliet, In the Name of the Father - all consistently very solid performances.

since when has Ellie worried about how much she drinks?

what?! you said to start slacking off!

I Can't Believe It's Not Airbrushed!