Lincolns Revenge

I'm curious enough to ask: is Stiller giving her the enema or are they both giving it to a third person cooperatively? inquiring minds want to know!

I liked "Tom Goes to the Mayor."

time to let Ol' Painless out of the bag.

I don't think you can go wrong either way, really. they're both very hot and both pretty good actresses.

it listed as available now, maybe it was some problem with their site.

he must have the saddest google news alerts for himself. "I finally got a hit!"

it turns out that Paul F Tompkins' impression of him isn't all that exaggerated.

any relation to Craig Shaeffer, the douche that got upstaged by Brad Pitt in A River Runs Through It?

I always figured the title was a metaphor for Kirstie Alley's vagina.

Jimmy Smits.

for me it was how every character speak in expositions. I didn't make it past 15 minutes.

see also: The Tourist and Piper Parabo.

I'm not here to make a record, you dumb cracker.

yeah, but the other one's younger and a bit crazier, which often has it's advantages in the boudoir.

yup, sounds good to me.

goddam you O'Neal
I misread the headline initiall and though it said they were ineligible for Oscars period. it'll be a crime if Portman doesn't at least get nominated.

who was it that was a big proponent of anal that always ended up discussing it on the Taste Test articles? it's unsettling how often anal sex came up in discussions about an article about food.

I thought it was about a pet cat!

what are they doing that involves taking a year and a half off? just going around to comic book conventions can't take up ALL your time.