Lincolns Revenge

I contend that Shopgirl is Steve Martin putting to paper his fantasy of living as a misogynist. that said, I though Schwartzman was pretty funny.

I was comparing it to the plot of the Producers, not to the stage version of the movie.

doomed from the start
I'll never understand how they thought a show this expensive (and dangerous it turns out) was a good idea. I'd say they deserve to lose their ass on this, but maybe it's a Producers type situation where they want to lose money.

Cerie really only does one thing, which is look hot in skimpy outfits and make some vapid comment. I don't think we need very much of her from a comedy standpoint. I always liked Josh though, they should bring him back.

she attracts boys or men who behave like boys.

presently this comment is underneath the Recycler pictures for the "Thora Birch"s dad was a porno actor" article and an interview with Ellie Kemper. shame on you.

I only started watching it because I'm a Cubs fan and it being set in Chicago caught my attention. I ended up liking it because they all seemed like a realistic group of friends, even if they barely kept the idea that she was supposed to be a baseball beat reporter.

it does kind of bode well that Tron was crap like I expected and Black Swan was awesome like I had hoped.

not for long…who's with me?!

what's the money line? A- sounds just about right and I don't want to have to bet a grand to win $100.

where are the Ludachristmas carols?

I haven't seen Clash of the Titans, so I can only assume Miller is correct.

also, I forgot my wallet. I'm going to need cab fare.

that's good, but you need to contort your mouth and bug out your eyes more.

ever since it aired, I've used every holiday season to celebrate The Great Santa Ape.

"trust me, Dr. Pepper directs me on how to best attack my girlfriend with an edged weapon."

fucking California, man.

it's a shame rage-a-hol is still so easy to get these days.

I'd like another season of Better Off Ted and for the Simpsons to have ended 10 years ago.

he is pretty badass. Chalky White could be the best character on the sho if they gave him anything to do, but my favorite is Ace Rothstein.