Lincolns Revenge

I believe they're called "Pomplamoose" which may be the most HDB-ish name for a music group I've ever heard.

while teenagers are going to be interested in King's Speech, middle aged people and older often won't go see movies that are rated R for language. my parents being a prime example, they prefer the bland mediocrity of PG-13 as being interesting enough without offending them.

the Foreman Grill I have is pretty solid, the removable plates make it a lot easier to clean. I seldom use it now, but it's pretty good for burgers and bacon.

well, the girl on BBT (who's name is too hard to spell) is pretty hot and in her early 20s. they never address that Johnny Galeki is about 10 years older than her though.

add putting his name on something in gold and you're set.

fart jokes and characters getting hit in the crotch are pretty much guaranteed.

maybe Captain Planet and/or Steven Segal can make a cameo with a "national park pollution" subplot.

I got a great idea - it's a giant purple gorilla named Grape Ape and all he says is "Grape Ape."

I have it on good authority that Smoky the Bear is way more intense in person.

let's not overstate it - Bullock was cute in Demolition Man. I hardly think you could say she's hot.


uh…this is a private residence, man.

Jeff Ross's put-downs of Snooki on twitter are priceless.

I have a Magic Bullet, but I got it at Sam's Club rather than the infomercial. it works fine, basically just a small blender. the mugs are good for making daiquiris or smoothies.

HNO has the right idea, send them somewhere on the Arabian Peninsula and watch the mayhem ensue.

in Flav's defense, the GWB was indeed messed up. it always is.

correct, archimboldi. when they were going through auditions for The 70s Show she was 15, but lied and said she was 17, some kind of thing to work around child labor laws or something. I think she was 17 by the time they started actually making the show.

in relative order:

it was okay. I saw it on a plane for free.
