Lincolns Revenge

put it on my tab.

the first movie is by far the best. they fired the director of the first one and shot the 2nd and 3rd movies as TV movies, cuting way back on the production values.

Eliminator Jr. has a great list, but my favorite from Scott Pilgrim was the Brandon Routh fight.

it's Martha Plimpton.

maybe we can get Garrett Dillahunt to quit that Fox sit-com and join this show.

Cliff Lee's ears are burning.

somehow Diddy Combs doesn't end up in any of these conversations anymore, but he stole every piece of music he's ever published. whether he cleared it or not is immaterial to me.

I gave up on the show a while ago, but as far a I could tell EVERYONE but Hall overacts on the show. I thought that's what they were going for, sort of a soap opera-ish sort of thing.


turned down more money, I mean. ah fuck it.

I believe trakball is right, it was a body double since she was so young. I'm far too lazy to look for anything confirming that though.

just drive fast.

as a Cubs fan, I approve whole-heartedly. I especially love that he turned down less money to go back to Philly.

a butter face, plus she talks like she's either had a stroke or a speech impediment.

"frankly sir, I'm beginning to think that the Oscars are the bigger fish."

fuck you!

yeah, Piper Parabo's cute and her show was pleasantly disposable, but a Golden Globe nomination? gtfo

particularly with endings; Anchorman is the only one of his that has a logical or coherent ending.

I noticed the Windows phone call-out on Bones too, I think she even made a point of saying the full name out loud.

plenty of them get work as offensive lineman.