Lincolns Revenge

that guy who's on Royal Pains now is one of those too. he got passed around for dozens of shows, comedy and drama, before anything came close to hitting. Dermot Mulroney is the movie version.

new to say, rather.

it is confusing why Inception is ending up on none of these lists. I liked Social Network, but it didn't really have much new to saw. some friends start a company, they fight and have a falling out because one of them's a selfish asshole. the fact that the company was Facebook had very little impact on the plot.

he's certainly drier than Gervais' braying laughter as his own jokes.

Mr. Burns is the only correct answer.

I had these Star Wars glasses as well as some Peanuts and Smurf ones too and I turned out.

my answer has always been the original Zelda, but I think I have to change it to the various versions of Civilization since I've spent a majority of my adult life playing them.

"That's the flower!"
amazing how much time I spent on picking herbs and flowers in that game and getting attacked by mountain lions doing it.

same thing happens to me in the southeast. it's getting better, but most of the time anything that's out in NY and LA only doesn't starting playing in NC until mid-January or later. it used to be much worse, like The Thin Red Line not starting until the first week of March.

ZMF coming down on the side of The Man, didn't see that coming. seriously though, who cares about the ads? they gotta get paid to do this somehow.

never forget mbs. because he won't let us forget him.

@LincolnsRevenge - I have it set to private only to avoid the spambots. I'll approve pretty much anyone's request who's a real person.

for anyone saying they want to go back to 1976 to bang Deborah Harry, I have a feeling you'd get there to find you had to take a number and wait in line.

he seems to really think an explanation like "the car was in my grandma's name. anything beyond that, I don't know." is good enough.

all of those were great, plus the USFL one was a lot of fun.

@Bob Hope is God - the answer is yes.

goddam Splicers.

do NOT order the Skip"s Scramble.

Oliver is often way too broad for a classy place like Pixar, he'll end up at Dreamworks like Jew_Lover said.

he's already 12 years older than Mineo was when he died, so, sure. why not!