Lincolns Revenge

proportionally, I think Scotland's a bit better.

it's touchy discussing someone's murder, but I still commend O'Neal for the headline. there's no fucking way I'm not reading a story with THAT as a headline.

no one could be that cruel, even hypothetically.


can we talk about how overrated Easy Rider is? I do agree that it was very influential on expanding the film industry, but it's really more of a result of being in the right place at the right time. the film itself is boring and not very good.

ah, a fellow southerner. Food Lion sucks, as do all generic sodas. Cheerwine is where it's at.

is there any word if they're going to split up this set into individual films? I've seen all of them and like most of them, but the only ones I'd want to own are Last Picture Show and Five Easy Pieces.

I have it on good authority that The Children are our future, which I believe is the name of a militaristic group intent on overthrowing the government.

I liked his Scottie Pippen disguise in Road Trip as the guy who tried to lick Amy Smart's toes.

even though Beckinsale mostly sucks in everything she's in that isn't dependent on her wearing a rubber bodysuit, she wasn't really the problem. Lurie's a terrible writer and is a prime example of what conservatives refer to when the talk about how Hollywood is out of touch with the mainstream.

that's not a Vol-VO…

good, I might actually watch this
it's a fascinating story that deserves to be well-told. Rod Lurie's fictionalized version with Kate Beckinsale was as overwrought and awful as most of his work.

that's a good start, sarCCastro.

I think she's said that although she hasn't done nudity yet in her career, she doesn't rule it out as a possibility.


look, I don't need to know what kind of Dracula I am to be a Dracula.

you made a breadbowl with Coldplay?

the car accident thing was good, but I thought the sleepwalking one was excellent. a good mix of pathos and humor.

Brian Posehn and Paul F. Tompkins were great too.

one could construe that him sounding like he's kinda drunk all the time is a vocal shtick, but maybe he just has a speech impediment and can't help it.