Lincolns Revenge

that's been their problem, way too many six packs of the liquid variety.

I thought Colin Farrell was even better as a singer, he could definitely put put a hit country album.

Smoky's a pacifist. he's very fragile.

Dave Coulier?
shh, don't tell Prison Wine or Karalotz.

this does actually sound like a pretty good one to me.

at the very least, let the priests marry.

has anyone asked where Conan got that owl on his shoulder in the ads around here? he's probably not above buying a black market owl to suit his sinister purposes.

I have never had a McRib sandwich
am I missing anything? I doubt it. why do people go apeshit for it every year and why is it only available for part of the year?

phel, you're my kind of woman.

that had to be what made the guy so charming. what young lady doesn't enjoy a good mustache ride?

Kat Dennings?
uh oh, this might get out of hand.

sure, spoilers on a 53 year old movie. if you really wanted to see it, you've had plenty of time to do so.

I did get to see Laurence when they re-released a 70mm print of it years ago and it's every bit as glorious as you'd imagine. I might be more partial to Doctor Zhivago or Kwai if I had seen them in 70mm too.

Bridge on the River Kwai
sweet. I prefer Laurence of Arabia, but it's not on the bluray yet.

he's also a SLASHER - OF PRICES!

this has gone from being funny, to sad and tragic and now back to funny.

I'm going to allow this.

exactly - Eleanor Coppola shot the footage, but Hickenlooper and Fax Bahr was who turned it into a documentary.

violence inherent in the system?
help! help! I'm beging repressed!

I had forgotten that Midnight Meat Train was something that existed.