Lincolns Revenge

how about the Kilmer from Spartan? that one was awesome.

indeed. I've never been able to figure out how Reynolds ended up in a Woody Allen film since participation in them is usually by invitation only, especially one as weird as that one.

only if you can get Brett Musberger to say it.

yeah, even on the first page of a google image search are several photos that would refute T-bone's argument.

and the Alien Quadrilogy and Back to the Future in bluray.

that's not out until December 28th.

indeed, I think at least 7 or 8 people out of 10 would have reached for that ball just like he did. if there was just one person to blame, it'd be Alex Gonzalez.

and Burt Reynolds as a sperm.

as a Cubs fan
I hope they never air that fucking Bartman doc. just let it go, we've suffered enough - including Bartman himself.




oh, now I get it. I hear it's not bad, but I don't think I know anyone that watches it.


and next week,
Timothy Dalton!

I have the same reaction to Jagermeister.

now you're just being contradictory.

you live NOW? what were you doing before?

either envy or syphilis.

ah, what does Benson know anyway. he has to write down "Hello, my name is Doug and I love movies" or he forgets to say so.