Lincolns Revenge

indeed it was JVS, even if it had that woman who's best work is now in the black & white Chase Sapphire ads

O'Neal's gotten more and more sensitive to jabs at him, especially on eulogies. not that you're not entitled to be bothered by these things, I just would have figured you'd have thicker skin at this point.

CCR's cover of Grapevine is pretty good too.

the Scrubs pilot was pretty good and very close to the tone the show had overall from the get-go.

maybe Cop Rock would work as a show now.

Robert Duvall makes everything better, even if he generally plays the same kind of character most of the time.

I've lived in NC since 1984, most of which in Charlotte and I've never heard of the Charlotte Tribune.

come to New Zealand and make the biggest tiny mistake of you life!

yes, we North Carolinians will always have Last of the Mohicans to cling to, plus…Shallow Hal and Nell.

I'm sure you look great naked Idiotking, but HBO's Real Sex leads me to believe that Senor Bagofcrap is right.

featuring the ghost of Telly Savalas.

Wahlberg's only as good as the material he's given, he can't turn something bad or moediocre into something good like Edward Norton or Phillip Seymour Hoffman or whoever. for every Departed or Boogie Nights where he's good for the part, there's plenty of things Planet of the Apes or Max Payne.

jeez, what a sausage-fest.


Alien 3 is mostly crap, it's Alien 4 that's cool and underrated.

as far as I can tell, it's the same premise as that Mary McCormick show "In Plain Sight."

Purging is at last at hand. Day of Doom is here. All that is evil, all their allies; your parents, your leaders, those who would call themselves your judges; those who have lied and corrupted the Earth, they shall all be cleansed.

(sighs) there was a time when we cared about who's ass it was and why it was farting.

24 is a good example, I was thinking of X Files.

THE Switzerland? implying there might be more than one.