Lincolns Revenge

how much he weigh?

I've loved every incarnation of AN and as far as Redux goes, the only scene I thought was unnecessary and would've still left out was the second scene with the Playboy bunnies and the helicopter. I love everything else, especially the French plantation sequence.

"Sacrilicious" is still one of my favorite lines.

that description is what got me to watch Bridge on the River and just left me confused.

I bought one of the supposedly autographed copies, but it apparently hasn't shipped yet. GET TO WORK, NATHAN!


it does indeed have all that "NOT OPTIONAL" stuff on there, made all the more frustrating since I just bought the DVD of Hearts of Darkness about 6 weeks ago.

Seven Samurai, Psycho, Apocalypse Now - you gotta space these things out more, I can't buy everything at once, dammit!

My mama didn't raise no dummies.

what about that Jane's Addiction cover that really did get banned?

sheeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiit (golly).

I saw Kids in the theater, but it was unrated.

you know, the extra D is for "a double dose of that pimpin'."

I actually took a date to see it and she liked it. it happened to be the last night the theater was running it, so they let me have the poster when we were leaving.

one should also take into account that they're almost always hung-over when doing these ridiculous things.

which kept me out of 8th grade for 2 weeks.

no shit, she's an heir to a multi-billion dollar fortune. she's set no matter what happens.

I have $18 for the heaving bosom, then or now. I love me some Lea Thompson.

why don't you go and cut your hair?

what is "David Lynch's senior thesis" Alex?