Lincolns Revenge

I think it's on the Basic Instinct commentary where he said his whole reason for making the movie was "I like tits."

everyone knows that Idiotking is the ruler of the AVC gays.

I like it, but I think it tries a bit too hard to be cool, too elliptical. there's a fine line between being intriguing while hinting at hidden depths to the story and just plain vague and directionless.

he's got you there, Nabin.


Tucker is good, if a little heavy-handed.

I'd stick up for Dracula too, but yeah that's pretty much it.

somebody get T.I. on the phone, Neologista's disgruntled.

even he/she is clearly a cheeseburger rather than a hamburger.

he can be pretty funny when he's more restrained, like his appearances on Community.

I'd only want Joe Buck if you can have Troy Aikman and/or Tim McCarver. "that's exactly right, Joe."

but I thought yelling incoherently was the new version of what's funny.

I agree completely. the entire plot was "he loves prison. the end."

I liked Mr. Brooks.

@ Mal Vivant

how about The Running Man? people would watch that.

Ice-T definitely has a type and he found someone that fulfills that for him. I should be so lucky.

based on stories we've heard about Elton John's behaviour, I'd think a show with his partner would be worth putting on TV.

is there really much of a difference between someone imitating a boring mid-west housewife and an actual boring mid-west housewife? I don't want to hear what either one would have to say.

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