Lincolns Revenge

yes, yes, we ALL love the gays
now that I know he was added in response to protests it makes complete sense why the brother character felt forced. he did play the part well, but he felt wedged into the show and didn't really have much impact on anything other than the scene with the two of them drinking wine on the

and how! I'll be home alone with my bluray of Chloe.


the Pussy die?

ah, to be transported back to a time
when Lea Thompson was a sex symbol - deservedly so, even with the whole weird "time traveling incest" angle.

Munich rules and you fucking KNOW it.

I love this guy
it's fascinating how hard he is to pin down in terms of how/why he chooses material and really is as weird as he seems to be. he should get together with Terry Gilliam.

Courtney Cox? now I make my move…

O'Neal clearly isn't a fan. I don't hate her, but she is overrated by people who aren't familiar with good comedians and I couldn't take more than 5 minutes of her show.


no wonder - "Made in Japan."


I love Pimpbot, but the one I'll miss the most is definitely Triumph.

hey, Sweetlime!

sure, his films are pretty similar to one another. even though I have sisters rather than brothers, I really connected with the three of them progressively getting along as the story went, especially with the flashbacks to the father's funeral. Owen Wilson's character arc was particularly poignant since his actual

the creepy half Mexican-half Asian guy with the tiny eyes weirds me out.

Jonah Hex!
I can't wait to see if it's as awful as they said it was. well, I actually can wait, but it's in my queue.

liquor in the front!

Doug Liman counts his money and wonders aloud how he keeps getting hired for things when dozens of people from past projects say he's incompetent.

that guy from all those Clint Eastwood movies?