Lincolns Revenge

or worse, they'll have ME fire them!

and it comes out in January, so it MUST be good. who wants to put a movie out during the holidays when people are bored and will spend money on almost anything to entertain them?


IMDB says he's talking to Noomi Rapace from Girl With the Dragon Tattoo to star in the Alien prequel, which actually sounds interesting. as long as he leaves Russell Crowe out, I'll go watch it.

and the medical examiner in Seven.

I think what bothers me more than anything about her is that for all her righteous indignation at the way women were portrayed in Knocked Up, she's doing much more damage with the stock, shitty rom-coms on which she's cornered the market.


I can only judge Blue Bloods from the clip they showed on The Soup last week and based on that, it's the worst written show on TV.

Harry Potter
I gave up on them after the second film, but decided to give them another chance when people started losing their shit over how good the trailer for the last film was. as it turns out, it seems NO ONE likes the first two films and they get much more interesting once they're teenagers and their hormones

see also: Justified.

you're right, no human would stack books like this.

his standup is pretty funny and he's been in a bunch of shitty movies.

and The Rhythm is gonna get you, or so I've been led to believe.

whatever gets him off the subject of the crystal skull vodka.

that would've worked if you hadn't stopped me.

I think he was in Pearl Harbor for some reason. maybe it was just so people would say, "is that Dan Aykroyd? jesus he's gotten fat."

it's a sweetly bland family movie, so I'm predicting a C-.

well, Time is a subjective phenomenon and one could argue that it doesn't really exist if it can't be accurately measured.

"well, Armond White says…"

Jesus, I remember that one too. I remember being surprised not just at the subject matter, but that nearly the whole episode was focused on that one guy.