Lincolns Revenge

but where does Oprah fit in to all of this?

I've been sure from the beginning that his commitment to the show when they picthed it to him was just a shrug and saying, "Yeah, I guess. if you're going to pay me, I'll do it."

something something MR. BROWNSTONE.

it became very grating when I was a DJ at my college radio station when music geeks would start talking about how Springsteen is "the spirit of Rock incarnate" - actual quote - with a bunch of high-brow, pretentious language.

because Springsteen needs to be mythologized even more. I love Thunder Road and all, but he's not the messiah.

for reasons not the least of which being she seems to have low standards.


I still laugh at her exasperation saying "he hacked into my car's computer!" at least, I would if I ever thought about that stupid movie.

aged to perfection.

i actually remember those stupid dinner baskets, Burger King's attempt to be more like Applebee's or something.

"…so you DID miss me."

"hey, you wanna come check out this sweet mural on the side of my van?"

the sherriff is near!

maybe that's what Jake Gyllenhaal was thinking when he signed on to do Prince of Persia.

and American society is the lesser for it.

after all, those beads aren't cheap. are beads cheap?

if it bothers you that much, don't watch the show. it's not productive for anyone for lawyers to come here and bitch about how unrealistic the show is.

make me laugh to beat the man. parts, anyway.

what am I missing?
why is Cocoon such a reference point for him? did Ron Howard declare that Cocoon solidified his status as being successful or something?

I first read it as "Good Ass-Job," but that's just because I'm perverse.