Lincolns Revenge

The Hallmark Channel…eh.

you're thinking of serial numbers on breast implants, I've seen those used a dozen times to track down someone's identity.


no, Dallas Cowboy fans.


how can the same person be in Red Rock West, Twin Peaks, Happiness AND Baby's Day out?

you arrogant ass, you've killed US!

I actually liked Ol' Lemonface in Cold Mountain, but I would agree as well.

I thought the choral version of Radiohead's "Creep" was good. funny coincidence since Radiohead was very close to providing the entire soundtrack for Fight club.

everyone behave or I'll make you watch The Number 23.

"Jimmy, this is Angel. I'm in big trouble, man…"

Bioshock 2 is pretty much more of the same while not being quite as affecting, but I like the first one a lot, so that's good enough for me. I do hope they take the story in a more interesting direction for the third one though.

the spunkiness of Emma Watson's new haircut is enough to counteract her inexperience because of her age.

someone get to work on "Hey, check out my tits!"

Dan Cortese misses Dan Cortese being on TV too.

I guess it really is that way for all of AMC, Rubicon is the same way.

a lot of people in Congress are older and for some reason, older people just don't "get" Daily Show and Colbert. not thinking it's funny is one thing, but I don't get what there is to misunderstand on either show.

Silverchair was huge in Australia at one point in time.

I think he means the trailer didn't need to show you that he gets better.

the plot of Bioshock 2 wasn't really compelling enough to be considered a spoiler, I don't think. the first one, absolutely.