Lincolns Revenge

get ON that shit, HHG. it won't write itself.

this reminds me of the commentary on Futurama where they were trying to explain the multiple parallel dimensions to Katey Segall. after a few minutes of talking about it, she just rolled her eyes and says something like "uh, okay. whatever, let's just move on."

3D Radioland Murders!

Lucas wanting to digitally update everything wouldn't be so bad if he didn't insist on destroying and denying the existence of any version that came before like he's in 1984 or something.


I liked Knocked Up and though her criticisms of it WERE right, don't bite the hand that feeds you. they paid you to be in the movie and nearly all subsequent success she's had after it were because Knocked Up was a hit, not Grey's Anatomy.

sometimes it worth it though, at least for a little while.

Zero Effect and Last Seduction.

old man?

you and me both, Superdeformed.

so is "The Company Men" a remake of "Jersey Girl?"

maybe we should all form a club or something. I'll get to work on a t-shirt.

I am a 34 year old male
and I am not the least bit embarrassed to say I really like this show. I've been a big fan of Marguiles since ER and the rest of the cast is very good with compelling stories. for some reason, I continuously would let episodes sit in my DVR for several days before watching them, somehow

she even played a jockey on Pushing Daisies, which somehow would have an effect on this project, in my mind.

damn you for making me see that Alice Cooper picture.

wait - double meat, double bacon double cheese. what's NOT genius about that?

a bit off topic, but I've wondered how Hoffman's character in Synechdoche, NY was supposed to be able to do what he did when the award was only $500K. it's a lot of money, sure, but that airplane hangar stage had to have cost millions.

mine too! oh happy day.

as I remember it, WB didn't like the direction of his screenplay for Batman and Brad Pitt had left The Fountain when he realized that Aronofsky was in over his head on a film with a large budget.

and she's like 4 foot 10, they could get one of those miniature horses for her.