Lincolns Revenge

I was disappointed by it at first for the sort of reason Unicyclistperiscopes described, expecting a more straightforward war film, but I've grown to like it more and more over time. the pairing of TRL to Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers compared to The Pacific is quite fitting.

Hunter telling Brock "you are NOT going to like looking for the keys!" still haunts my nightmares.

The Thin Red Line on Criterion bluray
fuck everything else. mine shipped today from Amazon and I'm watching that fucker as soon as I get my hands on it.

from the Old Spice Guy (I approve) to Lou Ferigno to Bronson Pinchot for a 3 second walk-on, they're getting very strange with the guest stars.

I love Mr. Burns and some old timey slang.

yeah, seriously. he seems like a decent guy and undeserving of an undignified death.

sadly, we never did get a full explanation of why Jenna von Oy's character was named "Six."

Henry Ford was right!

somewhere Lohan's spidey sense is tingling.

Winter's Bone and Greenberg are on my list to see, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

"You're"? now YOUR opinion has been invalidated.

I did see Mother and liked it a lot, that's one of the ones tied for 3rd. I also liked Splice, Shutter Island and the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. it's always unclear with foreign films like Mother or Dragon Tattoo what year they count towards.

in what universe is Mike Myers an alpha male?

what a terrible year of movies. I was thinking a few days ago of what films I've seen that would probably be on a top 10 list for me and I only came up with six.

with Phipps right above me at a paltry $30.

alright, I'm in for $120.

his interview with Terry Gross was pretty sincere, as far as I can tell.

I thought they pushed Parks & Rec to mid-season due to Amy Poehler's pregnancy, not just to accomodate Manmeet.

I'm sure Adderall is one of the tamer prescription drugs within her grasp, if not in her system.

I also like Troy heartily approving of Abed as Don Draper last season.