Lincolns Revenge

got a new TV show pilot?
give it to VanDerWerff - he'll watch ANYTHING.

you go Princess Leia
it still amazes me how well-adjusted she's turned out considering her upbringing and substance abuse problems, as wittily trenchant as ever.

now you've invited a bunch of pervs to talk openly about what they would be willing to do ot her sexually even though people call her chubby and obnoxious.

Bieber still fits that for me then - I keep hearing about him, but haven't heard a single second of his music. as far as I can tell he's just a lesbian haircut and twitter trending topic.

Gordon Ramsey is a good choice. the guy's on like a dozen shows and his "talent" seems to just be yelling at and demeaning people. I'll never find out if I'm wrong or not since I don't find things like entertaining.

good lord
from reading this review, I feel confident I made the right decision to stop watching early last season.

@Ghost of Nilsson - if by "hold" you mean "drink you out of house & home."

shame on you Montypark for reminding all of us of Kath & Kim just when we were starting to forget!

is she finally starting to show her age in that photo above? she's been so preternaturally beautiful without a hint of getting older for so damn long.

The River?

he'll take over the role of Don's assistant now that Ms. Blankenship is out of the picture.

because last season of 30 Rock only had 2-3 episodes that were worth the time it took to watch them.

Arsenio's just saying what we're all thinking.

is "Alan's Alley" one of *those* video stores, idiotking?

if nothing else, it proved that Letterman can still be clever and quick witted when he takes enough time to give a shit.

the secret ingredient is "phone."

paging Senor Sholl…

Paul's Boutique being a good, if not GREAT example to use.

indeed, but Biz's career would be nowhere without sampling. he even got sued for it, remember.

if it weren't for the mash-ups or remixes
we wouldn't have the careers of Biz Markie or Puff Daddy!