Lincolns Revenge

not aside from the enormous boner that Jesus has.

Ms. Moss, if you're reading this, I would never let Scientology come between the two of us like that doofus ex-husband of yours. call me.

sure, I'm a jerk, whatever. I love Ms. Tierney as much as one can love an actress I'll never meet. I just don't think it's very flattering. she can do better than that haircut and this show.

god I hope that's a wig
I couldn't bear to see Maura Tierney in a Susan Powter haircut.

by which I mean "would you like to get a drink later?"


she's very hot on this show. her and the son character are the only one that are consistently decent.

I think that's why so many people checked out on Dollhouse in the first season - the first 6 or so episodes were crappy stand-alone ones that relied too heavily on the marginally talented Eliza Dushku.

make that 3 hard-boiled eggs.

Ricky Martin?

smug or not, the Kindle IS about 1/4 the cost of an iPad.

ODB may be for the ladies, but Wu-Tang is for the children.

I like money.

can we get a pull quote from Nicole whats-her-name about the paintball episode of Community? that was easily the single best episiode of any TV show from last season.

Kanye and ZMF make twitter what it is today.

agreed. everyone have a safe drive home.

it already received 4 out of 5 stars from Rolling Stone.

that's assuming everyone believes the rumor that Grant was straight.

in the words of Lisa Simpson
in regards to the headline, "I know what those words mean, but that doesn't make any sense."

no of whom are James Mason and Charade is the lesser for it.