Pugs look like a natural fit to substitute for Ewoks, to me. I expect to see that soon: get on it, internet.
Pugs look like a natural fit to substitute for Ewoks, to me. I expect to see that soon: get on it, internet.
I'll have to check that out. There's a fantastic BBC series called Putin, Russia and the West which is worth watching if you're interested in the goings-on there over the last decade or so.
Yeah, Adam was eminently qualified for the task and seemed to do a good job. I don't think Trump wanted to fire him, as he clearly is one of the more level-headed and interesting people on the show, but Adam left him with no choice.
Kenneth's response to "do you have a second?" is going to keep me amused for a few days, at least.
What I'd really like to see is a dramatization of Putin's political exploits.
The Magnificent Ferengi is sublime silliness. And it has Iggy Pop, so there's that.
Serious question, not trying to be snarky: what do you like?
I just want to also say that I really enjoyed that review of Progress. I'd forgotten how good of an episode that is, I'll have to revisit it soon. I envy the reviewer his ignorance, his line about being surprised by the show so early and wondering what's ahead takes me back to the mid-90s when I first encountered…
Spot on review. This was spectacularly good reality television. I didn't know Survivor could attain early-season heights like this anymore.
Coupla typos: "membersand" & "seam"
It pleaseth both the eyes and ears.
I dunno if we've reached a comedy critical mass yet. If ever a genre lent itself to the old "the more the merrier" idea it's comedy, it seems to me.
"I don't think [it] is too bad." "deep in season 5"
Colton's facial expressions at tribal (and throughout the series so far, really) and mannerisms have been so stereotypically over the top queenish to make me seriously question if this is some sort of act on his part.
Under the radar, ha.
Clearly the producers were trying to help the women this week, and their blatant cheating (or "borrowing," if we'll allow that it's not cheating if you aren't called on it) was part of that. Had there been a partition and/or if the puzzle solver had to work without the aid of his or her teammates, the men would…
If you miss him he's probably out at the local Medieval Castle, to which he is apparently a great patron.
Shame received.
Agreed. Clay isn't the kind of one-note song and dance man I was expecting; that comment had the biting insight of great insult comedy.