
And once again Burn Notice gets the shaft.

Oh, cool. Missed that!

Hmmm… No Amy Schumer?

Enough… with… the… siblings!!

Interesting, but I'd like to see something a little more thought provoking like… 14 actors who played convincing spouses.

This whole thing was apparently created by Funny or Die. They are pretty famous for pranks that aren't funny or have no point. The hover board thing with Tony Hawk, this stupid lifetime movie… they also did a thing on Periscope where they asked viewers to pitch them ideas for a sitcom they would actually produce but

F you, TacoKnight! You made my list, shithead!

So sorry to offend your scholarly sensibilities by using the crass and immature designation "dude"…….. TacoKnight.

So even people that have read the books aren't sure who this dude is? Other than what's in this article?

"…have all pulled out from the show, a technique the Duggars presumably find very offensive. "

The part starting around 3:42 is the funniest.

I agree. I'm not up to date but the last few episodes I saw basically hinged on one joke.. Phil wants to have sex with Melissa. Starting to get a little old which is why I haven't seen the most recent eps.

They remind me a little of Silkworm with a female singer… which isn't bad at all!

Neutral Milk Hotel?

Unless you follow the embedded link (in the first sentence) to the previous article regarding Mallrats 2, which also makes the exact same reference.

You mean he chooses what movies to make based on what he's personally passionate about?? What a dick!

Lumping Sphere in with Madea and Norbit is a stretch.

Who cropped this picture? "Give the" what?? "Give The" whaaaaat??

So I'm assuming the 3 episodes used for this season review were the first three which were rated B+, B+ and A- individually. How does that average out to a B for the season? And how can you judge an entire season by the first three episodes?? I want answers!! Heads are gonna roll!!

Nah, it's gonna suck.