
The Larry WIllmore "sponsored" article masked to look like an actual AV Club article (with the comments turned off) is pretty crappy. Is this new?? Haven't seen that before.

This is a show that I really want to do well but A- seems like a huge stretch. Are you really saying this was as funny as a Colbert or John Oliver A-?? To me it was an awkward beginning to a promising show but you're grading on a huge curve to say that was an A-.

Things Marilyn Manson would like you to know… I am famous, friends with Johnny Depp and used to be a journalist.

Hopefully now the Guardians of Peace will shift their attention to Mall Cop 2.

I like these guys. I'm glad they're going on tour again.

*Starts Slow Clap*

And yes, there's already a Serial parody about this exact scenario.

This was the best episode of the season. Can't believe it got a lower rating than Marry Me!!

What was all that about "white supremacy"? I feel like you're really crowbarring race relations into that scene.

I like the Grateful Dead.

I like this trailer.

No live chat? :(

O captain, my captain. Huge loss.

Also, what government employee makes enough to blow 4 grand on hookers and hugs in the span of two days?

A_EYE appears to be the resident asshole for this comment thread.

Kind of creepy that she apparently stakes out her husband's mistress with a gun in her purse on the reg.

It would have been funny if she put in her George Michael cd by accident… "I'm never gonna dance again, guilty feet have got no rhythm."

But she'd already paid her $1000 bucks!

Man, I think there were a lot more interesting things to focus on in this episode besides race.