
I think you mean…

I feel like they're just punking us now…

"As late as November 18, 2006… he was still doing his 'jazzman' bit."

Looks like Conan actually only did the rewrite.

Looks like Conan only did the re-write.

This is like asking why Eddie Murphy doesn't get respect.

I love Fred Armesin.

I think the biggest failure of snl's political satire last night was the completely toothless impression of Ted Cruz. Each line the real Cruz utters sounds like it was exhaustively practiced in a hotel bathroom mirror, from the dramatic phrasing right down to the whiny used-car-salesman-meets-televangelist tone. Not

"You are in a room and there is a gun on the table. The only other person in the room is an adversary in commerce. Only one of you can prevail. Do you pick up the gun?"

Wow, that was exactly like Curb… except not funny.

Ok, but then you've still got the earthquakes, water testing, bird in box, goat slaughter, what's in the letter the mystic sent, who's the guy he sent it to, what happened to the water in the stream, what happened to Evie, what exactly is John Murphy's role in this town and who baked the damn pie!! Who?? A strange

Ok, so Lindelof says in a bunch of interviews before leftovers comes out to not focus on the mystery… it's all about the characters. He even seems to be trolling us with the new opening credits song, "let the mystery be". Then proceeds to fill the first episode with more mysteries than an entire season of Lost.

Yeah but the sudden and mysterious departure is completely unnecessary if all he wants to do is explore death. He creates a huge mystery to get everyone invested, then gets all pissy if some people want him to actually solve it.

So the guy who pissed everyone off by creating a TV show built around countless little mysteries that were never properly solved thought he'd get back into everyone's good graces by creating a new show built around one giant mystery… that will also never be solved.

And when is Donald Trump going to use a mirror when he combs his hair, right? Shit, I'm not good at posting things.

Well, he didn't mention lyrics once and it was present day Bobby which I think would be after Hunter and Barlow (if we're talking about his classic tunes written with them) and I think I made clear that I do love his songs… Just thought that part of the movie was humorous. Chill.

Was 2010 "the Whale" tour? That horrible guitar effect that everyone hated?

I liked the part about the song he was working on "for about a week" that was basically just an open E chord. I do love his songs though. Don't agree with the original comment.

I hope people will eventually overlook the Dead concert scene and focus on the fact that they actually did create some great fucking music. I think it's starting to happen a little bit but the norm is still an article like this with the obligatory snarky lead-in.

Why wouldn't they be eligible? Just curious.