
Hey Zack,

The don't think the link provided for the "The Hunter" is the right "The Hunter".

Wow, you know a lot of things! I have a high opinion of you now.

This is my least favorite "end of year" feature. It's basically the AV Club publicly being dicks to people who are at least trying. And that Pulled Apart by Horses video actually F'ing rocked so the joke's on you!

Completely abandoning the show's main character (especially this far along in the season) in favor of a minor one would be a death nell for most shows but this captured my attention and pulled me in just as much as the normal Amy episodes. More than that… it seemed to flow somehow with the rest of the season.

For some reason that's the coolest thing I've ever seen.

I'm not sure I see Tyler's smirk at the end as a look of forgiveness so much as one of disbelief at how delusional Amy is to still think he was the one who stood up for her with HR. She's basically burned a bridge with every important relationship at work (Tyler, Dougie, Krista) in this episode yet still sees the day

One thing I love about this show is Amy's quotes about life… This show ended with that profound line about "Not waiting for the sun." Which I thought was great but then I remembered that her character is portrayed as being perpetually on the verge of another breakdown. So are we supposed to take her anacdotes on life

I refuse to believe this album is only one notch above Puscifer (C+) and am equally refusing to believe it's one below Ryan Adams (B).

He also posted this new painting on Facebook on 09/26 with a pretty creepy description

Two things
This episode was pretty mediocre over all but it will be remembered for the Royal Wedding parody. Watching that was one of the first times I've laughed out loud at something on tv in a long time.

Getting Bored
This show is pretty slow and the fact that I could care less about the separate story lines involving Linden's home life and the councilman make it even slower. This is kind of like that Lights Out show in that you know how the show's going to end, so a lot of times it feels like the show is dragging

Larry David
He was the funniest part of this show. I like that he was playing himself on a show where paul reisner plays himself talking about a show where he plays himself and telling reisner he should do a show where he plays himself. META.

I don't understand all the cynicism in this write up. Great movie and great music.

This album
is f'ing awesome.

There was talk about elements of Hitchcock in this show last week and I think we saw that again with the shots through the peephole and the watching of the rape (?) on television. The whole implication of the viewer thing. Anyway, pretty good show. It's starting to pick up.

I know it's only two eps in but this reminds me a lot more of long, drawn out episode of Law And Order than Twin Peaks. I don't think anything was compelling enough for me to stick around another 11 weeks before the killer is inevitably placed before a minority judge.

Live Blog
I know it'd be short notice but AVC should think about putting up a live blog for the show tomorrow night. I think most of us could swing having two computers up or just toggle between two tabs or something. I'm sure there'll be plenty of guests and awesome shite to comment on and it would also bring some

Amy Ryan
If they do a fourth season without Byrne I'm assuming Amy Ryan will take over the lead role, which is awesome. She did a great job and they left a lot of unanswered questions about her character. Well, one anyway.

Slow Newswire day.