
Why can't we post on the blog?

Ed Helms
That's right, he has a new movie coming out. I think I read about that somewhere before.

No Troll 2?
Just asking.

Solid Wire reference in response to unprovoked Orioles slight .

Love Norm MacDonald. I agree that this will probably be the nail in OSN's coffin though. The Onion's great but that show's a little weak.

It almost feels like Lights has too many obstacles working against him. His daughter doesn't want him to fight, his wife doesn't want him to fight, his brother is screwing him over, Barry is f'ing with him and now Brennan is working with Barry. I understand setting up hurdles for your protagonist but you

I have no idea what White Collar is. That is all.

Damn it. I always enjoyed giving my in-depth commentary on your in-depth commentary on someone else's one-liners about other peoples viral videos every Tuesday.

Hey, what happened to the Tosh reviews?

7 Degrees of Franco
Ernest Borgnine.

I thought the skits were the worst part tonight, which normally isn't the case. The thigh squeezing juice bar was pretty uninspired. Web Redemption was ok but mainly because that guy was such a dick, the assistant gag was again uninspired and not funny. Finally, the hobo with a golden voice bit was a good concept

I just got back from the doctor where I was diagnosed with cancer. I logged on to AVClub to try and maintain some sense of normalcy and then I read a comment from someone named "the cause of cancer". Thanks a lot, you smug douche.

Yeah, I think he's just pointing out that both movies are two movies on the same subject with opposing viewpoints. Why is this news or confusing?

I agree with the FX president. The show wasn't canceled because FX made a crappy promo, it was canceled because they made a crappy show… called Terriers.

I agree an Adele season 4 would be awesome and the last episode almost seemed like a passing of the torch. "I'm no longer in treatment". The writers steadily built up questions about Adele all season but no answers. It seems like that was by design. One way or the other, if there's a season 4 I'm pretty sure

I never got into Frances. It seems like her character and situation didn't change much from the first episode. I don't see it as a throw back to previous seasons because characters in previous seasons always had a lot of new issues that would arise throughout their sessions. I didn't really see that

Therapy is BS?
Aside from Frances, this week's episodes seem to give us a glimpse into everyone's lives outside of therapy and the fact that however much progress they may be making in Paul's office, it's a different story in the real world.


Why is this song written out S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W on the track list. Am I missing something or is this just their attempt at… I don't even know what. I'm assuming the explanation is something extremely stupid.

King Hype
These guys decided to either base their entire sound on a dumbed down version of the first minute of the Intro to Outkast's Speakerboxx…