
Week 4
This week has definitely been a turning point for all the characters, though some seemed more forced than others. They definitely upped the creepy level with Sunil by revealing he watched Julia sleep for over 15 minutes and stole her birth control. Also, the fact that Malini committed suicide and Sunil was

Fair assessment, we're only three weeks in and most of the real drama arose later in the first two seasons. We'll have to wait and see whether the "low stakes" theory holds water. I just don't feel as invested in the characters at week three of this season as I was at the same point in previous seasons. You

Ok, change "nothing" to "not enough". I was trying to point out the different levels of what was at stake for the characters in the first couple seasons compared to this season as a possible answer to the "something's missing" issue that Todd raises above. It's one thing to be true to reality but this season seems to

Partially true story
A large part of the premise seems to be taken from a true story reported a couple months ago. No kid involved but everything else is spot on.

The Show
This show overall seems to be lacking this season. I'm assuming it's because they've departed from the original story lines for the first time. The first two seasons were always understated and character driven but there were always important things lying underneath. One patient killed a group of innocent

This is a tossup. While Rollins did use the term "switched on", which is very irritating, the girl counters by saying her band's name is Sexual Aids which is extremely irritating (even if she's joking, which might be even more irritating). I think both sides come across looking equally annoying.

Woodstock probably sucked for people on the fringes too. Get there earlier next time. Also, it's a little false to say that irony and kid rock are the only things that motivate our generation. It didn't work out as well as we'd hoped but there was a little more substance behind getting BO elected two years

Josh Brolin's character's wife in No Country For Old Men.

One more thing. How come there were only a couple of the half-eaten zombies? It looks like when these guys come after you they're trying to eat you completely, not just take a bite and move on. If that's the case then there probably shouldn't be an entire city populated with fully intact zombies. Also, if

I liked the poetic justice of the guy who disfigured half a girl's face, causing her to shoot herself in the head, getting shot in the head by a guy with a half-disfigured face.

Shane/Rick in hospital
Not familiar with the comic and generally am not a fan of the Zombie genre but I thought it was very well done. What was up with the scene where Shane visits Rick in the hospital though. They filmed it with some kind of tracer effect that's straight out of iMovie. I realize they were shooting it

One more thought on my "time travelers from the future" theory. When the hammer finally drops on this it will start out with the subtitle '250 years in the future'
Bum bum buuuuuuuum…

I thought the same thing about the whole "go viral" thing. Was he planning to forward the picture to a couple college kids and hope they'd post it on Twitter for some unknown reason?? Dumbest part of the show for sure. From the moment they went to the trouble to show that what's her name "had a heart" you knew she was

Colosimo's Murder
The only thing in this pilot I didn't understand was who had Colosimo murdered and why? I think someone previously wrote in comments that his actual murder went unsolved but Scorsese and Winter plug the shooting in with the rest of the hijacking action at the end as if there's some connection.

It seems like the song Rococo is kind of mocking people who might sing along to Rococo without realizing they're being mocked. But since I realize it, I think it's ok for me to sing along. Or maybe I'm just an asshole…